Is WhatsYourPrice Worth It? A Comprehensive Review

Looking for love in today’s world can feel like a full-time job. WhatsYourPrice claims to make dating simpler by letting members bid on dates with you. This review dives deep into how it works, what you can expect, and whether the cost is worth your time and money.

Read on to find out if this auction-style dating site really delivers romance or just empties your wallet.

Key Takeaways

  • WhatsYourPrice offers a unique bidding system for dates, allowing members to skip traditional online chat and move directly to in-person meetings.
  • There is a mix of opinions on the site, with some users finding meaningful connections while others raise concerns about scams and authenticity.
  • The ID verification process aims to create a safer dating environment by ensuring all profiles are genuine.
  • Costs can accumulate quickly as members purchase credits for bids and cover date expenses, making it important to consider the financial investment involved.
  • Pros include facilitating communication and clear intentions from the start; cons highlight ethical issues and mixed customer satisfaction.

WhatsYourPrice: The Modern Approach to Dating

WhatsYourPrice turns the dating game on its head by introducing a unique bidding system where generous singles can bid to go on dates with attractive partners. This auction-style twist to romance allows affluent individuals the opportunity to skip the typical online chatting and move straight into real-life meetings, without having to pay monthly service fees like traditional dating sites.

It’s an innovative platform that has sparked debate; some hail it as a breakthrough in casual dating, while others question its ethical implications.

The site bridges the gap between expectation and reality, facilitating connections that start with clear intentions and financial transparency. Members get down to business quickly, which appeals mainly to those who value their time and prefer sugar dating dynamics.

WhatsYourPrice also prides itself on taking extra steps for security such as ID verification, reassuring users about potential scams and boosting confidence in this modern approach to finding dates.

Moving forward from understanding how WhatsYourPrice redefines online courtship brings us to unraveling exactly how this mechanism functions in ‘How Does WhatsYourPrice Work?’.


How Does WhatsYourPrice Work?

Signing up for WhatsYourPrice is easy and straightforward, followed by the bidding process where members can make offers or accept dates. The ID verification process ensures a safer dating experience, while the search function and dark mode enhance user experience.

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Signing up

To join WhatsYourPrice, users need to create an account by providing a valid email address and choosing a unique username. Next, members are required to fill out their profile information, including personal details, interests, and photos. During the registration process, users can specify their dating preferences such as age range and location. Once completed, members gain access to the platform’s features and can begin exploring potential dates.

Bidding process

The bidding process on WhatsYourPrice allows generous members to make offers for first dates with attractive singles. Here’s a breakdown of how the bidding process works:

  1. Generous members place bids on profiles they are interested in.
  2. Attractive members receive and review bids from generous members.
  3. Attractive members can accept, reject, or negotiate the bid amount.
  4. If the bid is accepted, the generous member can then unlock communication and plan the date.

ID verification

WhatsYourPrice requires all users to undergo ID verification. This process helps ensure the authenticity and credibility of the profiles on the platform, promoting a safer dating environment.

Once verified, members can feel more confident about engaging with others and participating in the bidding process for dates. The stringent ID verification also serves as a deterrent against potential scams or fraudulent activities within the WhatsYourPrice community.

Moving forward to “Search function”, let’s explore how users can navigate and discover potential dates on WhatsYourPrice.

Search function

After completing the ID verification process, users can access WhatsYourPrice’s search function to browse through potential date options. With this feature, members can filter searches based on specific criteria such as age, location, and interests to find compatible matches.

This enables users to tailor their search and discover individuals who align with their dating preferences without wasting time on unsuitable prospects. Additionally, the search function facilitates an efficient way for members to explore the diverse pool of singles available on the platform.

The search function on WhatsYourPrice empowers users to take control of their dating journey by offering a customizable and user-friendly tool for finding suitable dates. By utilizing this feature effectively, members have the opportunity to connect with like-minded individuals who match their desired criteria and increase their chances of forming meaningful connections within the online dating community.

Dark mode

After exploring the search function, users can further customize their WhatsYourPrice experience by utilizing the dark mode feature. This option provides a sleek and sophisticated appearance for those who prefer a darker color scheme, reducing eye strain in low-light conditions.

With the growing popularity of dark mode across various applications and websites, WhatsYourPrice’s inclusion of this feature enhances user comfort and accessibility.

By enabling dark mode, users can navigate through profiles and engage in conversations with an interface that is easy on the eyes. This customizable feature reflects WhatsYourPrice’s commitment to accommodating diverse user preferences and creating a visually appealing environment for online interactions.

Quality of Singles on WhatsYourPrice

The quality of singles on WhatsYourPrice varies, as indicated by the mixed reviews and experiences shared by users. Some individuals praise the platform for introducing them to attractive and genuine potential dates, while others express dissatisfaction with the selection of singles available.

The website’s concept of generous individuals paying for dates with attractive people has led to discussions about the authenticity and intentions of members, raising questions about the legitimacy and worth of WhatsYourPrice as a high-end dating platform.

Potential users considering WhatsYourPrice may encounter conflicting opinions regarding the caliber of singles on the platform. While some find success in meeting desirable dates who align with their preferences, others caution against potential scam aspects and raise concerns about finding meaningful connections among its members.

Despite differing views on this aspect, it’s essential for individuals to approach WhatsYourPrice with a balanced understanding based on these varied perspectives before making an informed decision about its suitability for their dating endeavors.

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Pricing and Payment

Cost of using WhatsYourPrice can vary depending on the bidding process and date arrangements, with members paying for credits to unlock communication and set up dates. To find out more about the pricing and payment options, keep reading our comprehensive review!

Cost of using WhatsYourPrice

The cost of using WhatsYourPrice can add up quickly, as the bidding process requires members to purchase credits in order to place offers for dates. Each credit costs about $0.50, and the number of credits needed to unlock communication with a potential date varies based on their attractiveness rating set by the site.

Additionally, successful bids also include covering the date expenses agreed upon during negotiation. Users should be aware that these costs accumulate and can become quite substantial depending on how active they are on the platform.

Furthermore, paying for dates through this auction-style approach may lead some users to question if the investment is truly worth it. With mixed reviews regarding effectiveness and customer satisfaction, individuals considering WhatsYourPrice must carefully weigh the monetary commitment against potential dating outcomes.

Paying for dates

The cost of using WhatsYourPrice involves generous singles bidding on attractive people for a chance to pay for dates. Some users appreciate the concept, finding it refreshing and straightforward, while others question its ethics and the authenticity of connections formed through monetary transactions.

With mixed reviews about the effectiveness and worth of WhatsYourPrice as a dating platform, potential users should consider their comfort level with the auction-style approach before committing to paid dates.

When it comes to paying for dates on WhatsYourPrice, some see it as an innovative way to facilitate initial interactions, while others view it as undermining traditional dating principles.

Before delving into this modern approach to dating further, understanding how pricing and payment work is crucial.

Pros and Cons of WhatsYourPrice

6. Pros and Cons of WhatsYourPrice

Exploring the upsides and downsides of WhatsYourPrice can offer insight into whether this auction-style dating platform is right for you. Below is a detailed table outlining the pros and cons.

Pros Cons
Facilitates initial dialogue and first date arrangements, making it easier to break the ice. A low customer satisfaction rating of 1.73 stars from 287 reviews raises concerns about user experience.
Designed for affluent individuals seeking a different approach to dating without monthly fees. Many users question the legitimacy of the platform, with scam accusations being a common issue.
Eliminates the uncertainty in dating by allowing clear intentions and expectations from the start. Customer experiences are polarized, indicating inconsistent service and differing levels of satisfaction.
Avoids the traditional online dating model, potentially leading to more straightforward and upfront connections. Mixed reviews suggest that the effectiveness and worth of the platform as a dating service are debatable.
Search functions and dark mode improve the user interface for easier navigation and use. Payment for dates can be seen as controversial and has led to discussions regarding the ethical aspects of the site.


In conclusion, the effectiveness and value of WhatsYourPrice as a dating platform are contentious. Mixed reviews and customer experiences contribute to varying opinions about its worth.

Whether WhatsYourPrice is a viable option for dating largely depends on individual preferences and expectations. Prospective users should carefully consider the platform’s concept before investing time or money into it.


1. What is WhatsYourPrice and how does it work?

WhatsYourPrice is a dating app where members make bids to go on dates. Users create profiles, bid for dates, and use the platform’s texting features to connect.

2. How do I download the WhatsYourPrice dating app?

You can download the WhatsYourPrice dating app from your phone’s app store or visit their website to sign up and start using their services.

3. Are there fees involved with using WhatsYourPrice?

Yes, to fully engage with others on this paid dating platform, you will have costs such as bidding for dates and possibly purchasing a dating membership.

4. Can I find tips for safe online dating on WhatsYourPrice?

Absolutely! The site provides online dating tips including advice about avoiding scams, proper etiquette while engaging others, which enhance your online dating experience.

5. How do I know if WhatsYourPrice is worth it before paying for its services?

Reading through detailed online reviews can give insights into what other users think about the different aspects of these paid services like costs, user base authenticity and customer support efficiency.

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